flaky scallion pancake名詞
flaky green onion pancake
- Flaky scallion pancakes can have many flavors.
蔥抓餅可以有很多種口味。 -
I like this flaky scallion pancake in Old Street.
我喜歡老街的這間蔥抓餅。 -
Flaky scallion pancake is a food that has been transformed from scallion pancake.
蔥抓餅是一種從蔥油餅改造而來的食物。 -
Flaky scallion pancakes need to be fried in a pan, and the process of frying needs to be flipped and loosened.
蔥抓餅需要用平底鍋來煎,煎的過程需要一直翻動及弄鬆。 -
Flaky scallion pancakes can be added to cheese or pork.
蔥抓餅可以加入起司或肉鬆。 -
The flavor of flaky scallion pancakes more than the traditional scallions.
蔥抓餅的口味變化比傳統的蔥油餅還多。 -
I like to add an egg while frying the flaky scallion pancake.
我喜歡在煎蔥抓餅的時候加入一顆雞蛋。 -
The flaky scallion pancake stall in front of the train station can sell hundreds of flaky scallion pancakes a day.
火車站前的蔥抓餅攤販一天可以賣出數百個蔥抓餅。 -
Flaky scallion pancakes are great for snacks.
蔥抓餅很適合當做點心。 -
If you are hungry in the afternoon, you can order a flaky scallion pancake to eat.
如果你下午肚子餓了,你可以點一份蔥抓餅來吃。 -
This flaky scallion pancake stall has been in the night market for more than 20 years.

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