- Wasabi is used in Japanese restaurants.
日本料理店都會使用山葵。 -
Wasabi is not the same as western mustard.
山葵與西方的芥末是不一樣的植物。 -
The smell of wasabi is quite spicy.
山葵的味道相當嗆辣。 -
In general, wasabi and soy sauce are the best sauces for sashimi.
一般來說,山葵及醬油是生魚片最佳的沾醬。 -
This brand of wasabi has the best taste.
這個品牌的山葵有最好的味道。 -
My sushi has some wasabi, which is very delicious.
我的壽司有加入一些山葵,非常好吃。 -
Some sashimi do not require the use of wasabi, only need to dipped in soy sauce.
有些生魚片不需要使用山葵,只需要沾點醬油。 -
Wasabi is a plant of the Brassicaceae family.
山葵是一種屬於十字花科的植物。 -
Wasabi has many different varieties.
山葵有許多不同品種。 -
The stem of the wasabi should be ground into a fine mud to be used.
山葵莖需要磨成細泥狀才能使用。 -
The taste of wasabi dissolves quickly in water.
山葵的味道於水中會迅速溶解。 -
Studies have shown that some components of wasabi can inhibit microbial growth.

最近夏天的氣溫實在很高,很多人都會想說來吃個輕食,例如日式和風醬沙拉或日式和風涼麵,都是清爽不油膩的夏季餐點好選擇,不過日式和風醬的英文該怎麼說呢?這就難倒很多臺灣人了,甚至連許多日本人自己都不知道和風醬的英文該怎麼說?其實可以用很簡單的觀念來翻譯唷!先來認識日式和風醬首先是要認 ...
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