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guest 發表於 2021-08-08 14:45:25 瀏覽 828 次 
many customers use banks to secure home mortgages, or multiyear loans through which ownership (or equity) of a home is achieved.

這邊關係子句which ownership (or equity) of a home所代表的前述詞是哪一個? which前面為什麼會有一個through呢? through它在這邊是介系詞嗎? 謝謝
Nick 回覆於 2021-08-09 09:44:32 
請問是考試的題目嗎?其實這句不一定要用關係子句來看,它的意思很簡單,就是「許多客戶使用銀行來獲得房屋抵押貸款或多年期貸款,從而獲得房屋的所有權(或股權)。」,through 在這裡是介系詞沒錯,但它應該要跟 which 一起看,which 在這裡是代詞,代表後面「ownership (or equity) of a home」。

在這句裡,through which = by ......


Many customers obtain home ownership (or equity) by using banks to secure home mortgages or multi-year loans.
guest 回覆於 2021-08-15 20:01:22 原 PO 回文
Through which" = by which, by means of which, by way of which
想請問所以未來只要是看到through which我都可以把它視作是by ......嗎?

The stock market is the platform through which shares — or pieces of ownership of a company — are bought and sold by investors.

如依您所說,which在這邊所代表的是後面的shares or pieces of ownership of a company對嗎?

The stock market is the platform by investors buying and selling shares or pieces of ownership of a company.
Nick 回覆於 2021-08-16 10:37:04 
你的理解基本上是對的,不過你舉的新例子中,through which 指的是後面這「shares — or pieces of ownership of a company — are bought and sold by investors」一整段,而不只是單純 shares or pieces of ownership of a company。

The stock market is the platform 股票市場是一個平台,什麼樣的平台呢?就是投資人買賣股票或公司所有權的平台,through which 要引導出來的是後面這段,包含投資人買賣的動作,這樣才能完整描述股票市場是一個平台的概念。

小呂飛刀 回覆於 2021-10-24 20:00:59 
The stock market is the platform through which shares — or pieces of ownership of a company — are bought and sold by investors.
如依您所說,which在這邊所代表的是後面的shares or pieces of ownership of a company對嗎?

which是代表前面的platform,through是從句子後面提前至which,代表投資者籍由(throgh)前面的平臺( Platform)加以買賣股票的意思,原句:
The stock market is the platform which shares or pieces of ownership of a company are bought and sold (through) by investors(through).






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