
Do Not Use


  1. The sign clearly states, "Do not use the elevator in case of fire.
    " 標牌明確指出:“火災時請不要使用電梯。”
  2. The label on the product warns, "Do not use beyond the expiration date.
    " 產品上的標籤警告:“勿超過有效日期使用。”
  3. The teacher reminded the students, "Do not use electronic devices during the exam.
    " 老師提醒學生:“考試期間請不要使用電子設備。”
  4. The user manual explicitly states, "Do not use the appliance near water to avoid electrical shock.
    " 使用手冊明確指出:“請不要在水源附近使用電器,以免觸電。”
  5. The warning sign reads, "Do not use the trail due to construction work.
    " 警告標誌上寫著:“由於施工工作,請不要使用小徑。”
  6. The pharmacist advised the patient, "Do not use this medication if you have known allergies to its ingredients.
    " 藥劑師告訴病人:“如果你對該藥物成分過敏,請不要使用此藥。”
  7. The manager instructed the staff, "Do not use personal email accounts for work-related communication.
    " 經理指示員工:“請不要用私人電子郵件帳戶進行與工作相關的溝通。”
  8. The label on the cleaning product states, "Do not use on delicate fabrics.
    " 清潔產品的標籤上寫著:“請不要在精細織物上使用。”
  9. The safety guidelines clearly state, "Do not use the power tools without wearing appropriate safety gear.
    " 安全指南明確指出:“請不要在未穿戴適當安全裝備的情況下使用電動工具。”
  10. The doctor advised the patient, "Do not use over-the-counter medications without consulting a healthcare professional.
    " 醫生建議病人:“在未諮詢醫護專業人員的情況下,請不要使用非處方藥物。”


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