



在一般情況下,貨架可以翻譯為 shelfrack

  • Shelf 指的是用於存放物品的水平板狀結構。它通常用於商店、倉庫、圖書館等場所。
  • Rack 指的是用於存放物品的框架結構。它通常用於倉庫、工廠等場所。


  • 超市貨架:supermarket shelf
  • 倉庫貨架:warehouse rack
  • 書架:bookshelf
  • 貨架上的商品:goods on the shelf
  • 整理貨架:stock the shelves


  1. The warehouse is equipped with heavy-duty steel shelves for storing bulky items.
    倉庫配備了重型鋼質 shelf,用於存放大型物品。
  2. We use adjustable shelves to accommodate items of various sizes in the warehouse.
    我們在倉庫使用可調節的 shelf,以容納各種尺寸的物品。
  3. The pallet racks in the warehouse are designed to maximize storage space.
  4. The warehouse staff is responsible for organizing products on the shelves.
    倉庫工作人員負責整理貨物放置在 shelf 上。
  5. We need to restock the shelves with new inventory after each shipment.
    每次裝運後我們需要補充新的庫存到 shelf 上。
  6. The high shelves are accessed using a forklift for efficient storage.
    高 shelf 可以使用叉車進行儲存,以提高效率。
  7. The shelves are labeled with product codes for easy identification.
    shelf 上貼有產品代碼,便於識別。
  8. The warehouse manager conducts regular inspections to ensure the stability of the shelves.
    倉庫經理定期進行檢查,確保 shelf 的穩定性。
  9. The shelves are organized by product category for efficient picking and packing.
    shelf 按產品類別進行組織,以提高拣貨和包裝效率。
  10. We need to rearrange the shelves to create more space for new inventory.
    我們需要重新安排 shelf,為新的庫存創造更多的空間。
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