Water disasters, also known as floods or inundations, are events where excessive water accumulates and causes damage to properties and infrastructure.
水災,又稱為洪水或淹水,是指水量過多積聚,對財產和基礎設施造成損害的事件。 -
Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to water disasters due to storm surges and rising sea levels.
沿海地區特別容易受到水災的影響,因為風暴潮和海平面上升。 -
The aftermath of a water disaster often includes flooded homes, submerged roads, and disrupted utilities.
水災後的後果通常包括淹水的房屋、被淹沒的道路和中斷的公用事業設施。 -
Water disasters can lead to loss of life, displacement of communities, and economic hardship for affected regions.
水災可能導致人命喪失、社區流離失所,以及受影響地區的經濟困境。 -
Emergency response teams are deployed to assist in rescue operations and provide aid to those affected by water disasters.
緊急應對團隊被派遣協助救援行動,並向受水災影響的人提供援助。 -
Effective urban planning and drainage systems are essential for reducing the impact of water disasters in urban areas.
有效的城市規劃和排水系統對於減少城市地區水災的影響極為重要。 -
Climate change exacerbates the frequency and severity of water disasters, posing challenges for disaster management.
氣候變化加劇了水災的頻率和嚴重程度,給災害管理帶來挑戰。 -
Early warning systems and flood forecasting play a crucial role in mitigating the impacts of water disasters.
預警系統和洪水預測在減輕水災影響方面扮演重要角色。 -
The government allocates funds for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction in areas affected by water disasters.
政府為受水災影響地區的災後恢復和重建分配資金。 -
Community resilience-building programs help prepare residents for water disasters by providing education and training.