digital appliances名詞
Digital appliances have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ease of use and convenience.
數位家電由於其易於使用和方便性,在近年來變得越來越受歡迎。 -
Many digital appliances are equipped with touchscreens or other intuitive interfaces for a more user-friendly experience.
許多數位家電配備了觸控螢幕或其他直觀的介面,以提供更加用戶友好的體驗。 -
Digital appliances often come with features such as remote control, scheduling, and automation to make life easier for the user.
數位家電通常具有遙控、預定和自動化等功能,以使用戶的生活更加輕鬆。 -
Smart homes utilize a variety of digital appliances to enhance comfort, safety, and energy efficiency.
智慧家居利用各種數位家電來增強舒適度、安全性和能源效率。 -
The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into digital appliances is paving the way for even more advanced and intelligent devices in the future.
將人工智慧和機器學習融入數位家電中,為未來更加先進和智慧的設備鋪平了道路。 -
Digital appliances such as smart thermostats and energy monitors can help homeowners reduce their energy consumption and save money on utility bills.
數位家電,如智慧恆溫器和能源監測器,可以幫助房主減少能源消耗,並在公用事業賬單上節省開支。 -
Digital appliances in the kitchen, such as smart ovens and refrigerators, offer advanced features such as remote monitoring and control to make cooking and food storage easier than ever.
廚房中的數位家電,如智慧型烤箱和冰箱,提供遠端監控和控制等先進功能,使烹飪和食品儲存變得更加簡單。 -
Digital appliances are not just limited to the home, with many businesses and public spaces incorporating them for improved efficiency and user experience.
數位家電不僅僅局限於家庭,許多企業和公共空間都納入了這些設備以提高效率和用戶體驗。 -
As digital appliances become more widespread, there is an increasing focus on cybersecurity and protecting personal data from potential breaches.
隨著數位家電的普及,人們越來越關注網路安全,並保護個人資料免受潛在的漏洞威脅。 -
The use of digital appliances is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, with new and innovative products constantly being developed to meet consumer needs.