


  1. 郵差每天早上都會準時送遞郵件到我們的郵箱。
    The postman delivers the mail to our mailbox every morning on time.
  2. 請問郵差有沒有將包裹留在大廳裡?
    Did the postman leave the package in the lobby?
  3. 郵差經過我家的時候總是很友善地和我們打招呼。
    The postman always greets us warmly when passing by our house.
  4. 請告訴郵差不要將信件留在雨中,以免弄濕。
    Please tell the postman not to leave the letters out in the rain to avoid getting them wet.
  5. 我昨天看到郵差在我們街區裡新的郵箱。
    I saw the postman installing new mailboxes in our neighborhood yesterday.
  6. 每當郵差敲門時,我都知道有新的包裹或信件到了。
    Whenever the postman knocks on the door, I know there's a new package or letter.
  7. 請問郵差何時會到達我們這裡?我等著一封重要的文件。
    When will the postman arrive here? I'm waiting for an important document.
  8. 郵差通常在早上遞送郵件,所以我們應該在上午時段內收到。
    The postman usually delivers the mail in the morning, so we should receive it during the forenoon.
  9. 你可以在郵差送遞郵件時幫我簽收嗎?
    Can you sign for me when the postman delivers the mail?
  10. 請告訴郵差,我們家新搬來的,郵件可能會送錯地方。
    Please inform the postman that we just moved in, so the mail might be delivered to the wrong place.


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